Geologists discover 60 million-year-old meteorite impact


The LGC were part of a team of geologists who discovered the first recorded occurrence of vanadium-rich osbornite on Earth, from two sites on Skye, northwest Scotland, which are interpreted as part of a meteoritic ejecta layer. Vanadium-rich osbornite has only previously been reported in space dust from NASA missions, but on Skye it has been identified as an unmelted phase.

Drake, S.M., Beard, A.D., Jones, A.P., Brown, D.J., Fortes, D., Millar, I.A., Carter, A., Baca, J. B., Downes, H. (2017) Discovery of a meteoritic ejecta layer containing unmelted impactor fragments at the base of Paleocene lavas, Isle of Skye, Scotland. Geology,